We help organizations save time and money on phone services.
Our experienced and trained eye, accompanied by our custom reports, let us find errors, negotiate rates, and stay on top of ever-changing trends to ensure you get the best possible rates on your telecommunication expenses.

Our MobileWatch™ service reduces headaches and saves you money on mobile services and devices.
This proactive service delivers guaranteed savings and can reduce overall mobility costs significantly – in some cases, by as much as 50% per year.
Click below to learn more about how we can help your organization save.
Mobile Phone Repairs
Broken phone, lost data? We can help.
Save money by repairing damaged devices rather than buying new ones. TelDesign will repair your broken mobile devices and help restore lost data.
Did you know that MobileWatch™ clients also save 15% on mobile phone repairs?
Click below to find out more.
Telecom Optimization

Voice and data systems equate to 30% of the average business's operating costs.
At TelDesign, we work with business managers to ensure they know what voice and data infrastructures are in place and understand whether they are optimally used. If you are nearing the end of an equipment lease, considering migrating to new technology, looking for cost savings, or simply needing visibility into your telecommunications' true costs, talk to us first.
Trusted By Those You Know.

A little bit about us.
We are a team of telecommunications professionals with over 40 years of combined experience. Our dedication to clients and their needs puts us at the forefront for delivering great service with the best value for your dollar.
It pays to understand ®
By demystifying communications technology and presenting choices, we empower businesses to manage their telecommunications systems as strategic assets.